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Best way to save data on windows 10

Jun 23 2017 at 05:27am

Best way to save on windows 10 data usage
Are you looking for a way to save data when you go online with your windows 10 pc via a mobile service provider?
Well, this post will put an end to your search! I will be showing you a way to save data when you are using a:

  • USB modem

  • Bluetooth tethering

  • USB tethering or

  • WiFi hotspot

  • This solution is much better than metered connection as it works not just for WiFi connection. It is also not another hack to disable system update.

    First you will need to download a software called NetBalancer by seriousBit. Click to Download NetBalancer.

    Next, you will need to install netbalancer and launch it! It comes with about 15 days free trial, and even after 15 days you are unable to buy the full edition, do not panic as netbalancer wont become totally useless.

    Below is a screenshot of the main interface of the NetBalancer software.
    It shows a list of apps that connect to the internet on computer and also total bandwidth uploaded/downloaded for each app. If an app is currently using the internet it will also show the transfer speed.

    You will also find a new internet speed meter on bottom right corner (toolbar) of your computer. See a screenshot of what I am talking about below.

    This speed meter is very useful and can help you know when your PC starts draining data. When you hover the mouse pointer on the speed meter it will bring out a dialog that shows apps that are currently using your internet data.

    When you spot any strange app on the dialog you can simple goto the NetBalancer main interface, locate the strange app from the list, right-click on it and chose either:
  • Download priority -> block And Upload priority ->block or

  • End process

  • Image

    You can chose to set download and upload priority to Block in order to completely stop an app from using the internet. Or enter the current session of the app to temporarily stop the app from using the internet.

    Outside what I have demonstrated in this post , you can do so much more with netBalancer and it seems like an app worth every dollar (should you decide to go premium). Feel free to play with the app and don’t forget to share your discovery with us on projectnaija. Happy Surfing!!

    Last edited 23 Jun 2017

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