


Fix all desktop icons opening with VLC

(Apr 30 2015 at 05:37am)

Is your pc opening everything on the desktop with vlc Or some other software? All icons on the desktop turned to VLC logo? Here is a fix.
Method 1(using a utility)
1. Download unassoc here: http://www.winhelponline.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/unassoc_1_4.zip
2. Extract the content of the zip folder then launch unassoc
3. Select lnk extention in unassoc then click on Delete

Method 2 (using Regedit)
1. click on start icon and type Regedit in the search box
2. On Regedit navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software

3. Look for UserChoice folder and delete it
4. Close Regedit and restart Windows.

That should fix it. Comment if you need further assistance.


Last edited 30 Apr 2015

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