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How to connect your 2go with Facebook (Facebook gateway)

Sep 30 2014 at 12:13am

using the Facebook gateway on 2go is a very nice experience as it offers live chatting with your Facebook friends while chat with your 2go contact.
But setting up this gateway has not been an easy job for many (until you found this post). Let's take a quick run through the steps:
1. You need a Facebook account. (ignore step 1 if you are already a Facebook user).

2. get a Facebook username, to do this when logged on to Facebook from any browser click on your own name then check what's in the address bar of the browser. You should find something similar to www.facebook.com/aboyipius for this case my username is aboyipius, if you find the content of the address bar different without any username in it, simply visit facebook.com/username to create a new username for your account.

3. You are almost done, go back to 2go and navigate to gateways(Facebook gw) then enter your Facebook username(the one u got from step 2) also enter your Facebook password and submit. that's all now enjoy instant Facebook chat on the legendary 2go messenger!

Last edited 30 Sep 2014

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