


Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )

(Jan 01 2017 at 06:12pm)

Now You Can Use Different Elements At once...

<p><a href="http://www.projectnaija.com"><img src="imagelink" alt="image" width="320" height="150"/><br/><font color="green">Go to ProjectNaija.com to start learning HTML coding for free</font></a></p>

Now this code will produce and image up Width will be 320, and height of the image will be 150 then Text Link Down Colored Green

head , header and heading are three different things in html...

<head>All your Seo Metals,Keywords,Description,Site title etc are written inside the head tag .</head>

<header>This tag is use in HTML5
. all your header contents are written here .. Logo,Social Button,Ads etc</header>

heading tags are use to change the size of text or link

There Are 6 heading Tags

<h1>This will produce a very big text(you can use it for article title)</h1>
<h2>This will produce a fairly big text(can be use for subtitle(heading) </h2>
<h3>This will produce a medium text(not to big)</h3>
<h4>This will produce a normal text</h4>
<h5>Small Text</h5>
<h6>Smaller text</h6>

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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )

(Jan 02 2017 at 06:19pm)

Ok U guys need to be commenting

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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )

(Jan 03 2017 at 08:49pm)

abdegenius: Ok U guys need to be commenting
am following up... Interesting

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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )

(Jan 04 2017 at 05:50am)

alright now we will go into creating forms and text area..

<textarea>Your text </textarea> This tag is used to text area just like this site comment box in html..

If you want a word inside the text area. remove your text And put your word in between the opening and closing tag.

Forms--forms and input elements are use in creating login form,email subscription form, contact form etc..
To create a simple html form do something like this
<h1>Contact Us</h1>

<form method="get" action="your email address e.g services@projectnaija.com">

Name<input type="text" name="name"/>

Email<input type="text" name="email"/>


<input type="submit" value="submit"/>

now this is a simple contact form html code you can add some design to it .
Note input elements has no closing tag

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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )

(Jan 04 2017 at 06:18am)

Table In Html

Yes to create a table in html..
Here are some elements under table
- Table Row <tr></tr>
can be use to write the numbers of rows

- table cell (column)<td></td>
can be use to write the number of cell

now if you create a simple one rows table with 2 cells do some thing like this.

<table><tr><td style="border:1px dotted green;">First Cell </td><td style="border:1px dotted green;">Second Cell</td></tr></table>

As you can See I add some style to it the outcome will be ..
Two cell with there outer border ....... dotted , first cell will be lefte second will be at the right.. ( we drop screenshots soon)
some attributes can be added to the table elements (width,border,style can be added).

some elements under list
- Unordered list <ul></ul>
this can be use to create an unordered list
- ordered list <ol></ol>
this is use to create a ordered list
- list item <li></li>

To create an unordered list use this code..

<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>

result ;

• First item
• Second item

To create a ordered list.

<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>


1.First Item
2.Second Item


ul elements produce listed item with • arrangement

ol elemts produce item with 1. , .2 , etc number arrangement

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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )

(Jan 05 2017 at 06:12am)

abdegenius: Table In Html

Yes to create a table in html..
Here are some elements under table
- Table Row <tr></tr>
can be use to write the numbers of rows

- table cell (column)<td></td>
can be use to write the number of cell

now if you create a simple one rows table with 2 cells do some thing like this.

<table><tr><td style="border:1px dotted green;">First Cell </td><td style="border:1px dotted green;">Second Cell</td></tr></table>

As you can See I add some style to it the outcome will be ..
Two cell with there outer border ....... dotted , first cell will be lefte second will be at the right.. ( we drop screenshots soon)
some attributes can be added to the table elements (width,border,style can be added).

some elements under list
- Unordered list <ul></ul>
this can be use to create an unordered list
- ordered list <ol></ol>
this is use to create a ordered list
- list item <li></li>

To create an unordered list use this code..

<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>

result ;

• First item
• Second item

To create a ordered list.

<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>


1.First Item
2.Second Item


ul elements produce listed item with • arrangement

ol elemts produce item with 1. , .2 , etc number arrangement

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Re- Become A Certified HTML Programming In Two Weeks ( Official Thread )

(Jan 05 2017 at 07:30am)

OK then

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